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- Issue 5 -Stuck In The Middle News 11 Hard Truths Caring for Parents and Is Your Teenager Just Moody?
Issue 5 -Stuck In The Middle News 11 Hard Truths Caring for Parents and Is Your Teenager Just Moody?

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In recent years, a growing number of individuals have found themselves in a unique and often challenging position: simultaneously caring for their elderly parents and supporting their adult children. This phenomenon, known as the “sandwich generation,” can be emotionally, physically, and financially taxing. In this article, we’ll explore the struggles faced by those caught in the middle and offer insights on how to navigate this complex family dynamic.
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My Husband Thought Being A Work-From-Home Mom Was Easy. One Meeting Changed His Mind
"He said that I'm home all day... so I'm basically a stay-at-home mother and should at least take care of dinner."
my GloIn a recent post shared with r/AmITheAsshole (AITA), Reddit user ClearCoffee7140 asked, “AITA for letting my kids disturb my husband during an important work meeting after he said he would handle them for a day to prove how easy my job is?”
She explained that she shares two young sons (aged five and seven) with her husband, who works in an office. He has the ability to work from home some days, but doesn’t, as he says he finds the environment distracting.
The poster shared that while she also has a business which makes up about a third of their household income, she does hers at home, and it takes her about three hours a day.
Her youngest son, who is particularly high-energy, stays at home with her all day, while her older son comes home at around three. “Both of them are with me until around 8 pm or 9 pm, which is when my husband usually comes home,”ver


Gen X Has the Largest Wealth Gap — What This Means for Generational Wealth
Things aren’t looking good for Gen X, which is said to have the largest wealth gap of any generation.
Not having a pension plan, suffering multiple economic crises, and not seeing wage increases that keep up with inflation are all reasons that those ages 44-59 are struggling when it comes to building a nest egg.
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According to Schroders’ 2023 US Retirement Survey, Gen Xers need at least $1.1 million to retire, but many of them have not saved anywhere near that amount. The National Institute on Retirement Security found that a typical Gen X household has just $40,000 earmarked for retirement.
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Is your teenager just moody? Or struggling with mental health?

More kids are dealing with serious mental health issues in life after the pandemic. Parents sometimes struggle to tell whether their kid is just a typical hormonal teenager grappling with becoming an adult, or if they’re dealing with something more serious.
But research suggests that to help their kids, parents and caregivers need to take a look at themselves and their own mental health.
It’s normal for teenagers to feel stress, but depression and anxiety disorders have defined symptoms, says Richard Weissbourd, faculty director of the Making Caring Common project at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education.
“When kids are depressed, they're often not eating well. They're not sleeping well. They're withdrawing from social activities,” he says. “They can be really moody and really irritable in a way that's very different than normal moodiness and irritability.”
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Would you please let me know your thoughts or share a story send it to [email protected] and let me know if you are ok sharing it… or you can post it in our FB Group
Personally I am blessed but it could easily have gone south quick!!


The dual challenge of the "sandwich generation": Raising children while caring for aging parents
Between now and 2030, about 10,000 Americans will turn 65 every single day, highlighting a growing concern about the nation's preparedness for elder care often falling on the shoulders of their adult children. This has given rise to a term known as the "sandwich generation," defined as adults who find themselves caring for their aging parents while still raising their own children.
Lisa Ling is a CBS News contributor and part of the sandwich generation herself. Ling's family is part of nearly 80 million Americans taking care of children and our elderly parents at the same time.
Ling's husband, Paul, typically helps get their two young daughters ready for school. However, on some days, he rushes to assist his 92-year-old mother, Grace, with her medical appointments. She has faced several trips to the emergency room and rehabilitation stays in recent months.
Mornings, Ling said, are often "hectic" in their home as they juggle the responsibilities of taking care of parents and children.
"At a certain point, your parents become like kids," Ling said.

“Imagine a world in which childcare was accessible and affordable, and paid leave and care was invested in. This is the vision we should all be fighting for and working to win.”
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